The Stone Putter (2024)

The short film The Stone Putter is a cinematic portrait of a serious and physically strong middle-aged woman, deeply focused on throwing stones in a desert-like landscape. How did she get here? What do the stones symbolize – as alien in the landscape as the woman herself in her black dress? Here you can sense a story about both sadness, integrity and stubbornness, about intersecting paths and about continuing forward without bowing to others. Both the stones and the woman are filmed from a variety of angles, giving the viewer an opportunity to experience the event from different perspectives, and for a moment possibly drop the anthropocentric gaze.




Producer: Nils Agdler
Writer: Nils Agdler
Director: Nils Agdler
Cast: Mia Lindahl
Cinematographer: Nils Agdler
Editor: Nils Agdler
Music: Olia Tavlaridou
Sound recording: Nils Agdler & Martin Ekman
Sound design: Martin Ekman
Production assistants: Karin Agdler & Martin Ekman
Length: 8:00 min
Format: HD 1080p
Release: World Premiere at Toronto Film Week 2024




March 28, 2024, World Premiere, Toronto Film Week 2024, Canada
July 9, 2024, Boston Short Film Festival, USA
September 10, 2024, Verona International Film Festival, Italy
September 19, 2024, New York Super Shorts Film Festival, USA
October 22, 2024, Bruges International Film Festival, Belgium